Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Post mortem

"Life is full of challenges" someone said. Yeah, no shit.. Sherlock..

It has been a beautiful, heart-wrenching, self-doubting, joyous 3 and a half years. Here I am, once again at the crossroads of life. Once again having to come face to face about how I, Maybel, perform and see myself under emotionally difficult circumstances. Do I hold on to the memories? Should I be angry? How long does it take to overcome the sadness? Can I just make a choice to be positive and move forward, and I already am? Can I get over it? Was it all worth it?

When someone is dissatisfied, they look for reasons to validate why they feel that way. When something ends, people look to fault and blame. I am not interested in he said, she said. I am not here to fault and blame. I dont care who ended it. It just cheapens the years we spent together and makes it superficial when I have to answer those questions. I do not believe in just throwing away friendship just because "we" did not work out. It just was not meant to be at this point in time. He needs to "find" himself and come to certain realisations on his own. To make his own stand. Me? What did I learn from this? How can I now move forward? The lessons are loud and clear. Never forget myself. Never forget how important I am. Don't give myself completely over. Communicate and ask the important questions. Give myself and the other person the space to grow. Don't be afraid of losing someone.

No, I am not the strongest person emotionally. I cry easily and am emotionally sensitive. I can choose to be depressed for a year and hope for a reconciliation. I can feel lonely and afraid for my future. But I choose not to be. Sure it hurts like hell. Sure I feel like a train has ran over my heart again and again. Sure, I look over the pictures and cry and see the memories in my head and silently weep. But I am still here. Would I do it all over again knowing the outcome? Knowing I will have this heartbreak? Knowing we will be great great friends one day, yes. Knowing all the wonderful friends we made together, yes. Knowing that I have met,loved and will always love a special human being, yes. Remembering all the wonderful and painful intimate experiences that I have shared with this person, yes. Most definately.
It may be a bumpy and difficult start but I look forward to the new journey!

Thank you babe for allowing me to be in your space for the last 3 1/2 years....

I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone
I recommend walking around naked in your living room
Swallow it down (what a jagged little pill)

It feels so good (swimming in your stomach)

Wait until the dust settles

I recommend biting off more than you can chew to anyone
I certainly do
I recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at anytime
Feel free Throw it down (the caution blocks you from the wind)
Hold it up (to the rays)

You wait and see when the smoke clears

You live you learn

You love you learn

You cry you learn

You lose you learn

You bleed you learn

You scream you learn

Monday, January 08, 2007

World Domination

Yo people. this is now Google blogger. Google World domination is now almost complete with the aquisition of Blogger. You may now, see the world with Google, read with Google, make pretty pictures with Google, make 3D models with Google, wikipedia-it with Google, etc , etc.. Hopefully in the future we'll be able to shit with Google, party with Google, sleep with Google and replicate food with Google. May I suggest, dear Google, that you also consider buying over the following sites. Price negotiable:

Behind The Wheel -
USD 20 mil. - Only appropriate for Maybel Chan's personal logs. Of course, for USD30mil I will be more efficient and increase my updates to twice a month, thank you.

In The Cockpit -
USD 30 mil - cause if I am gonna be rich, so must my babe- Johann. Or else... a bit unfair isn't it? Anyway he updates more regularly so 30mil is really quite reasonable.
- All My friends can be bought for a cool USD 40 mil thank you very much